The Responsible Rider program is about being present when you’re boating and always considering safety, etiquette and the environment, whether you’re out on the ocean, lake or river.
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When you’re out on the water, remember that safety kits are mandatory on board and children must wear lifejackets. Always verify fishing and licensing regulations with local authorities and check the weather forecast.
The responsible angler respects the waterways, washes their watercraft before and after use, and takes proper care of their engine. That’s how we make sure the next fishing adventure is as good as the last.
Always show respect for your fellow boaters, follow regulations on alcohol use, limit your speed in no-wake zones, pay attention to the right of way, and be mindful of wildlife.
By Alumacraft Boats
Posted on 22/02/2022
How to Handle Your Aluminum Fishing Boat in Rough Water